Today is my 1st day I register with Google+ .. At 1st, dah banyak kali minta my friend Nasa invite tapi until now tak dapat invitation tu. Dia cakap dah send dah tapi maybe technically tak sampai kot. Then I ask my lil sister pula untuk send but still the same. Fuhhh!!
So for the same reason, untuk tidak menyusahkan my friends yang still looking for Google+ invitation, you can click here to have the invitation. Jangan malu-malu untuk click ye. Then you can compare with Facebook. Both social network, both friendly user. So you can choose either one or both. But I prefer Google+ because of Google product. Ni yang rasa nak beli Android phone pula. Hahaha!!
Lastly, thanks to the owner of this Amanz's blog sebab barulah aku dapat explore Google+. Thank you very much.
galaxy s2 ker nexus s :p
hehe.. tgk budget la nnt.. :p
dh bli pon kan hp tu... perhhh.. kaya..
Ica : haha.. mana adalah.. jual hp lama tu yg bole beli tu..
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