Tetiba rasa nak tulis pasal comparison between Android & iOS sebab terasa macam nak tukar handphone. Dah puas google, tanya member, lastly kena la tulis supaya ingat apa yang dibaca. Eh, before that, pernah tak korang dengar orang cakap;
"Ala, kalau nak senang, Google je."
Rasanya mesti pernahkan.
Tapi pernah tak dengar orang cakap;
1. "Ala, kalau nak senang, Yahoo je."
2. "Ala, kalau nak senang, MSN je."
Rasanya tak pernah kot. Kalau pernah kira hebat la.
Berbalik kepada Android & iOS. Sebelum membeli kena survey betul-betul sebab bukannya murah. Lepas tu kalau beli tapi tak memenuhi taste, nanti menyesal. Maklumlah, sekarang ni handphone kalau trade-in memang tak dapat banyak.
Hopefully setelah diterjemahkan di dalam penulisan, aku dapat membuat keputusan nak tukar handphone ke tak sebab kalau diikutkan hati, memang nak tukar but not sure yet sebab tak tau mana yang worthy between Android & iOS.
Actually, both system agak stabil sebab dua-dua pun multitasking. Walaubagaimana pun, its depends on the what type of apps you install.
Android is more flexible sebab terdapat banyak apps Android yang boleh melakukan perkara-perkara yang funky. For example, you can set a profile to silent mode every Friday during the pray time or vibrate during the office hours. Or, there is also an app that keeps your mobile phone unlocked when you at home (by detecting that you connecting to your home’s Wi-Fi). How cool is that? There is no way you can do this on the iPhone.
Not to mention, everyone’s home screen on Android will look different to one another. Now, look at every iPhone users and they will all look the same, apart from having different background and shortcut of apps.

Walaupun Android apps/games agak banyak tapi, Android market still tak boleh nak lawan dengan quality iOS punya apps/games kat iTunes. Kebanyakkan apps/games yang ada kat iTunes, dah ada kat Android market tapi semuanya berbayar kecuali Angry Birds. Ni yang aku tahu la. Tapi sebenarnya iOS punya apps/games pun berbayar juga melainkan kalau dah 'jailbreak'. So sama jelakan.
In Android, everything feels integrated. For example, lepas kita take a photo dengan camera, there is an option button share with Twitter @ Facebook if both are installed. In iOS, boleh kata every apps can only do their things & cannot collaborate to another.

In Android, all the notifications come up from the top of the screen in one line. Its doesn't interrupt what you are doing & you can go to the notifications by dragging the top of the screen down. In iOS, setiap notification will come out pop-up window & it will interrupt what are you doing at the moment.
Kesimpulannya, both OS ada kelebihan & kekurangan. If you want diversity, better you choose Android but if you want standardization, you can choose iOS. Maybe some of them tak kisah la OS apa handphone tu guna, asal phone yang diorang guna tu branded sudah.
Bagi yang banyak duit tu, maybe tak kisah kot nak beli yang mana @ you can buy both. Tapi apa guna kalau kita beli something but you don't know how to used @ utilized it. Ni yang orang tua-tua selalu cakap, "Apa orang nak, dia pun nak juga. Biarlah tak reti guna, janji bergaya." Kalau nak beli something tu, biarlah untuk kepuasan diri kita tapi bukan sebab ikut orang lain.
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